Commentary: Getting in on when "the game's on"

Watching “the game” is what us sports fans do. And once “the game’s on” we are physically incapable of doing anything else besides watching the game, eating chips and salsa and drinking various cold beverages.
But what really takes place is that for a few hours, we lose ourselves, live vicariously through these athletes and become a part of the up’s and down’s of what’s unfolding in front of us. It’s almost as much fun as actually playing sports.
But let’s say you're asking the question, “How do I get in on that?”
All right. Think about your hobbies. Maybe it’s shopping, reading paperback novels, singing karaoke or watching romantic comedies. Chances are doing these things makes you happy.
And that’s what watching a game is truly about: making you happy. The only time watching a game stinks is when it makes you unhappy (like when Reggie Bush totally cheats and decides to push Matt Leinart into the end zone against Notre Dame).
I digress.
But even in tough times, it's great because it's all about camaraderie, and there’s always someone you can armchair quarterback with or high five when your team’s on a winning streak.
Still interested in getting in “the game”? Here are three simple steps to making that happen:
1. Pick a sport, any sport
You’ve got your pro sports with the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL. Or you could go for a college sport like football (think Saturday afternoons) or basketball (think March Madness). Hey, it could be Shaun White and snowboarding. Just find a sport that looks like fun!
2. Find a team, any team
Perhaps a team from your hometown or one that has a great color scheme that would complement your complexion or maybe you want to follow a certain player.
For instance, I fell in love with Duke basketball when I was 12 years old and had a crush point guard Bobby Hurley (see picture above). That Jersey boy will always have a place in my heart…
3. Seek out others
This is where the fun starts. No matter the sport, no matter the team and no matter where you live, there are always other fans just like you. And they’ll for sure be around when “the game’s on.”
A great thing to do is check out which local bars have game watches for particular teams.
For example, every city across the country has a Cleveland bar that plays Browns games on Sundays. How do I know that? Because I’ve been in cities and looked for those places...and always found one.
Or you could host your own game-viewing party. They're easy to do. All it takes is some chips and salsa and some various cold beverages and you’re good to go!
So on game day, have your game plan ready, make sure to have a jersey or t-shirt with your team’s logo on it to wear, head to whatever festivity you’ve decided on and let the fun begin!
Go (insert your new favorite team here)!!!
I read this entry and want to know what an "armchair quarterback" is?
This is the best sports blog yet!
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