What's "The Answer"?

I think two words would promptly come to Earl the City Worker's boss's mind. The same words that have now immortalized The Donald in reality TV lore. "You're fired!"
So why is it that the average joe has to endure lousy jobs in lousy places for lousy pay while NBA cry babies can get exactly what they want (like a new team) by whining loudly enough?
"The Answer" is we live in a crazy world where the likes of Allen Iverson can up and clean out his locker one day and demand a trade the next.
Don't get me wrong. Iverson's not the first pro athlete to throw a hissy fit like this. Remember when good ol' Keyshawn Johnson abandoned the Tampa Bay Buccaneers mid-season?
Maybe the fans should get a say in all this. Maybe Earl the City Worker's also a season ticket holder, and perhaps he would like to see A.I. suck it up and stick out the season.
Or maybe Earl would like the opportunity to stick it to Iverson and be the one to tell him, "Sorry Mr. Iverson. You can't quit. 'Cause you're fired!"
Here's food for thought: There is no upper echelon of garbage collectors in the big scheme of things -- if you're a good garbageman, do you go to the Garbageman Hall of Fame in Parsippany, New Joisey? No.
But there is a very real basketball hall of fame: the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. and, no offense to Earl the City Worker, but he makes s*** pay compared to Iverson.
In the words of Diddy, "The more money you come across, the more problems you see."
I agree that A.I. will make it to Springfield one day, but what will his legacy be? Right now, he's just known for being a great baller in Philly.
And during his time as a Sixer, he couldn't get the one thing Philly really wanted: an NBA Championship.
Yet he can dump the team on a whim and demand a trade.
That's not a luxury you or I will ever have in our careers, let alone the garbage men and women across the Garden State and the world.
So it will be interesting to see when Iverson makes to Hall of Fame if this trade thing worked out.
Or if he'll simply be another whiny pro athlete without a ring...
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