A.I.'s answer

The Denver Nuggets were the final "answer" for A.I. (How many times have you read that pun today?)
We all know the Nuggets will put Iverson to good use as half of their team is sidelined. And when I say half of their team, I'm only talking about Carmelo Anthony.
So what will Iverson get out of this trade? He's due the rest of his $18 million this season, and a combined $40 million through the 2008-09 season.
I'm glad to see this is about a championship and not just about the money...
Not that it matters too much, but the Sixers will get Andre Miller, Joe Smith and two first-round picks in 2007.
But what no doubt really sinched the deal for the Nuggets is that they get Ivan McFarlin. Yeah, I don't know who he is either.
Hopefully by now you've sensed a lot of sarcasm is this entry. Here A.I. demands a trade and then joins a team that was just involved in an idiotic on-court fight. This is the NBA at its finest.
As for me, I could care less how the Nuggets do. I'd rather watch Sean Taibi (see above) and his Northern Colorado hoops team take on Weber State anyday.
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