Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In with the old

Well, NBA Commissioner David Stern must read my blog because he followed my advice (Leather be! Oct. 23, 2006) and ditched Spalding's microfiber composite ball and announced the league will go back to using the old leather basketballs.

Stern made the switch amidst complaints from players that the composite balls bounced differently than the old ones and even cut up their hands.

Now, I normally would take this opportunity to point out yet another instance of NBA players acting more like babies that ballers, but I do have to side with them on this one. Composite basketballs have no place indoors and should be regulated solely to playgrounds. Basketball is a game of touch and the ball has to be leather - enough said.

The leather balls were put back into use as of Jan. 1.

Thanks for listening, David. Glad to help out.


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